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add_cplx() add_rect() add_polr()
Add Additional Representations to Fourier Coefficients
add_l2nm() add_l2sq() get_l2nm() get_l2sq()
Add L2 Norm and Squared L2 Norm of Frequency Dimensions
can_repr() get_repr() set_repr()
Manage Representations of a fftab Object
Compute the Cross-Spectrum (Cross FFT)
fftab() ifftab()
Perform FFT and IFFT with Tidy Results
Compute Fourier Frequencies
get_fx() get_fx_norm() get_re() get_im() get_mod() get_arg()
Extract Fourier Coefficients and Components
get_rect() get_polr()
Extract Rectangular or Polar Components
has_cplx() has_rect() has_polr()
Check Representations of a fftab Object
Compute Phase Difference and Maximum Correlation Between Two Signals
Plot the modulus of FFT results
to_angf() to_cycf()
Convert between cyclic and angular frequencies
to_cplx() to_rect() to_polr()
Convert a fftab Object Between Representations